Saturday, October 20, 2018


Review the Dos and Don’ts of a Voter!

The Dos:
·        Know why your vote matters in this election and cast your vote.
·        Already registered to vote and meet all the voter ID requirement-what you need to bring to vote-photo ID vs. Non-photo ID, know your polling Station, familiarize with voting procedures and rules, types of voting-early voting, in-person voting, Vote in other Language, and voters registration deadlines.
·       Check or update your Voter Registration-Check names and address-how, when, and why to avoid anything that may jeopardize you voting rights and ultimately your vote.
·       Decide whom to vote for-research you candidate to know what they stand for (their positions on the issues) so that you can evaluate good and right candidate to vote for. Who is likely to unite us, than to divide us. Who is likely to bring opportunities you can be part of it-opportunities that impact and improve your livelihood.
·       Vote for candidates that support issues that matters to you, issues that are the reason for your struggle with housing, education, Health Care, Discrimination in the workplace (equal pay and pay increase), violence against women (sexual abuse and gender bias). In doing so, you are demanding solutions; you are using your voting power to change the status quo that neither represents you nor working for you-your ideas and values.

The Don’ts:
·       Don’t register to vote and not vote.
·       Don’t say you are undecided-make decision to vote.
·       Don't give any excuse-Like I am too busy; I have no time, Lines are too long, Polling Stations are too far, I don't have a proper or Qualifying ID. When you don't vote you lower or limit the chances of improving the issues that are at stake in every election, issues that affect your daily livelihood. When you don't vote, your problems remain unsolved and may get worse.
·       Don’t know the issues? Use all the means at your disposal to find out what the candidates stand for-check their websites, their social medias pages-Facebook, Twitter and Instagram, ask your co-worker, your friends, your neighbor; use your Smart Phone to ask questions and find answers-ask, Siri or Alexa!
·      Don’t waste your Right nor your Vote.

In the end, on Nov. 6th, 2018 election, all 435 seats in the US House of Representatives and 35 of the 100 seats in the US Senate will be in contests. For Donald J. Trump administration, this midterm election is the vote of Confidence or No-Confidence on his leadership and the direction he is taking this nation.

For you, us, we the people, is how you or we want to be governed and treated. This election is upon us to weigh the pros and cons of Donald J. Trump’s leadership and exercise our right and duty towards shaping the direction of the country.

If you feel you are not treated equal, it should remind you about-are you a slave or a citizen? It should tell you about your right to vote and be represented rightfully. Just as people from the time immemorial have rejected the government that control its people by divisiveness policies, by instilling fears on its people, and by violating the basic civil and human rights-people were and are still inspired by the ideas about the rights of man with this powerful words Thomas Jefferson wrote on the Declaration of Independence, “We hold these truths to be self-evident, that "All men are created equal” that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights…Right to Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness”.

We have, therefore, come too far to give up our Rights or to be denied our Rights and who we are as Americans. As a democratic government, let us all come together and vote our voices! The people collective power brings change-election gives power to the people. People have fought for the right to vote, don’t waste your right nor your vote.                                    


Monday, October 8, 2018

Your Vote, Your Voice, Your Choice to Change the Course!

Your Vote, Your Voice, Your Choice to Change the Course!

The confirmation of Brett Kavanaugh as Supreme Court Justice revealed once again a political class that is in a mission to disrupt the political systems and its democratic process like we have never seen before! Voices of the people who elected these partisan leaders-from President, Senators, to Congressmen, and others, have been ignored, and at times been threatened so that they retreat and reside in silence. That my friends are not what the nation's founders envisioned of the America we live today.

In 1776, the United States declared independence because people then had a strong desire to vote-they wanted to have a say in the laws, they tried to have government representatives that will represent them because they were under the British rule.  Also, we know they went to war and fought to defeat the British and formed their new government so that they could vote for their leaders. Don’t you now want the government of the people, by the people and for the people? Don't you now want the leaders you voted for, to represent you and your ideas and values? Don't you want the leaders who will work for all people, not for themselves or the few?

Today’s political atmosphere of the nation reminds us of those old days, and something else-that democracy is free and secure when you relentlessly protect it.

In 1778, the nation’s founders wrote the constitution which is the law of the land. The Constitution stated that the United States was a democracy- a government that will be governed by and for the people. The Constitution also promised many rights and the right to vote was mostly mentioned although they left the voting rights to the states. Ever since the voting rights have evolved and given many groups rights to vote including women and young people; and continue to grow today as some people, especially those who want to accumulate power in the hands of few, the disruptors of democracy would like to take a chance to tamper with the voting rights! To counteract the forces of the few who want to disrupt our political systems and voting rights requires the same strong desire to vote as that of nation’s founder if democracy is to remain alive and protected.  

This election time, women and young people should take the lead in numbers to the ballot because they are the most vulnerable group of people in the society that are susceptible to violence whether its gender discrimination or women sexual assaults or gun violence in schools and inequity in education among groups of students. These groups are often suffered discrimination and often deprived of their power to advance or protect themselves. And when you have leaders who will not hear your voice when you needed them the most and to be fair and equal in treating you, the only power you have is to vote them out!

In 2016 we saw election being taken away from an experienced political and intellectual woman to a non-political experienced, a less intelligent white man with the spectrum of prosperity (billionaire businessman)-whose statements and policies are rooted in racism, with his administration defying and reversing civil and human rights like we never seen in the 21st Century. Again, the confirmation of the supreme court justice was both an abomination to all women and the judicial system. The unjust treatment Dr. Christine Ford is suffering by coming forward about the sexual assault by a person who is going to administer the laws of the land in the Supreme Court is a concern in the mind of many people who want justice to prevail and indeed, an insult to every woman. In contrary, Brett Kavanaugh, accused by multiple women for sexual assaults, consumed alcohol excessively and lied about it, has aggressive temperament that doesn’t align with judicial temperament,  demonstrated biases and impartiality on his professional decisions, yet, the Senate whose its constitutional role is to nominate and confirm the Supreme Court Justice took side and cease to uphold the judicial process that was just and promoted Brett Kavanaugh by confirming him a supreme court justice, despite the many issues about him that qualified him to be “unfit-for-supreme-court justice". Even the Retired and Former Supreme Court Justice, John Paul Stevens said Kavanaugh is not fit for Supreme court. (

Our current president surrounds himself with his radical non-political groups to pre-select the leaders in key positions including the nominee to the supreme court. Nothing about his selected people like Supreme Court Justice, Brett Kavanaugh is ordinary-the process wasn’t normal, the hearings weren’t normal, and the confirmation wasn’t normal! And that is what they want us to accept, to merit and to value? We say, no! This is not normal and therefore unacceptable! We are experiencing an unprecedented time in the nation's political history and that my friends, require our remarkable reactions and incredible actions, starting with showing up in numbers to vote on November 6th election.

On Nov. 6th, 2018 one month from today is a midterm election day-another turn, another chance to make your voice heard, to vote and choose the candidate that cares about you, protect your rights and abide by our constitution that value all people and their ideas regardless of their economic backgrounds, cultures, ethnicity or gender.             
This coming election unlike any before will determine how you are governed tomorrow-do you want to maintain that status quo, which means keep the things the way they are today, or you want the change-the administration that works for the common good of all people?

Like many have said, this election is the most important one in our lifetime given the unfamiliar partisan politics under president Donald Trump administration with its divisive policies that have brought the nation to its worse party-politics behaviors ever experienced before.

Remember July 25-28, 2016 when the Democratic Party Convention opened and the whole world eagerly watched with great anticipation given the unusual and unchartered battle between two presidential candidates that were as different as Day and Night-Hilary Clinton, a woman and a lifelong politician who by all means and beyond doubts  was a leading and clear choice (at least that what all the polls showed) but of course, in the end, Donald J. Trump, a billionaire businessman with no experience in government governing and trailed behind as he failed all the three major presidential debates; yet, to the astonishment and disbelief of many people, he won the presidential election.

Since then, our nation has been sharply divided leaving many people angry and with many unanswered questions-what went wrong? Was it that America wasn't ready for a woman president? Was it that people didn't vote for Hilary or didn't turn out to vote? Was our election system hijacked and rigged to suit unfavorable candidate? The candidate whose campaign was nothing but ruthless, pathetic, lies, and scare tactics; at times, it was backstabbing and character assassination-and while all these were in place, he emerged as a winner. America! Where were you when these were happening? We witnessed a yearlong of the presidential campaign like never, which resulted in a president like never before, even after two-years-in office-he is unhinged and a threat to the democracy here and around the world. Also, what we witnessed on the Senate and the Judiciary Committee hearings for Supreme Court Justice was beyond comprehension-the rude behaviors and disrespect of women voices and constitution should concern and alarm everyone. So, where are we now, today? A better America today that was yesterday? Are we moving forward or backward?

How we are governed today is a question in the minds of many Americans. The nation has lost its moral compass and values, the unity and the opportunity that glue us together as one nation, under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all.

If we must remain true to ourselves, to the constitution, and to the political institutions and systems in place today, we must resist the politics of today and its leadership-the divisive politics and the violation of civil and human rights. By remembering the men and women who gave it all when fought for freedom, peace, and justice for this nation. We can honor their sacrifice by acknowledging that their battle then was tough, yet relentlessly they fought to secure their freedom and democratic government which now call for us to continue with the founder’s sentiment of preserve the democracy. Their battle then was tough, but ours today isn’t in comparison, yet we ignore and neglect the very civic duty that ensures our freedom, peace and justice-the voting role!

Voting gives people a voice in decisions that affect them. Over the last century, the right to vote has been extended to many social groups and populations, although the struggle for civil and human rights continues in many parts of the world including the United States of America. Why?

Because of the failure of the elected democratic government to support and abide by the laws of the land, like the Trump administration and its political machine reversing laws that are in place for the common good of the nations and its people instead, he is demonizing immigrants and instill policies of racism; the weaponizing victims of sexual assaults as was in case of Dr. Anita Hill and now Dr. Christine Ford, or the  police brutality against black men; the violations of the judiciary process by the white house and the senators during the hearings to nominate and confirm the Supreme Court Justice, Brett Kavanaugh-totally a breach to our political and judicial systems.

In the current modern society, the politics of few is on the rise (the rise of the disruptors of democracy) and found a way to undermine the democratic institutions and systems put in place by the people, for the people-the unprecedented plan and actions that defies the rule of laws to cause disparities and disenfranchise people.

During the 2000 US Presidential election, the people of the state of Florida voted but witnessed something else-their votes were disproportioned in the way in which the votes were counted, and people learned the many ways to discount votes. It was an alarming moment in the history of voting, and the supreme court decided the presidential winner…another reminder of the importance of having the impartial Supreme Court Justice and the importance of the democratic and free election and secured voting system that work for everyone-all citizens with the rights to vote must be allowed to vote, and their vote must count for their voice to be heard. When people exercise the civic duty of voting, the system must be fair and deliver what it promises-fair election and every vote count!

Former president Ronald Reagan-the 40th President of the United States of America asserted, "For this Nation to remain true to its people, we cannot allow any American's vote to be denied, diluted, or defiled. The right to vote is the crown jewel of American Liberties, and, we will not see its luster diminished.”

In just one month from today, you will go to the polls stations to vote, to make your voice heard, and to make your choice of the candidate that will represent you and work for you.

So, here is What Lies Ahead for the 2018 Midterm Election.

1.  Your Turn to Vote.

Youth, women, the minority have all the reasons this time to turn-out in numbers. They are the group of people mostly discriminated, and their rights are often denied. Getting out and vote in numbers will be your "ENOUGH" reason to stop this discrimination and the violation of your rights. When we all vote we increase the chance to influence and impact the election and bring changes you want to see. So, all people with voting rights and credentials is a MUST to show up and vote in November 6th, 2018.

2.  What You Need to Know to Never Waste Your Vote Again.

You need to know that your vote is your voice and your choice. This means voting is both your right and your civic duty. Be on the ‘I know’ side The well-informed voters make sure they choose their leaders wisely. They prefer a good candidate who speaks for them and who hears and listen to their voices.

As Nov. 6th near-up, be sure to get prepared and take part in key decisions. You will soon be bombarded by TV-Ads, Newspapers filled with headlines and catchy phrases-some intended to inform and inspire, and some with misleading information about one candidate, one party, or the other; you might have watched candidates debating and interviewed on TV and social media platforms; not to mention flyers stacked in your mailboxes or hanged on your from doors, and of course the canvasing door-to-door engaging the voters. Make this midterm election a historic election by showing up in numbers and exhibit the power of the vote, the "Let the People Rule" moment as reminded by Theodore Roosevelt when he overcame the power of incumbent during the presidential primaries by telling the bosses everywhere, "Let the People Rule".

Lastly, pick up those phone calls to not get left behind-the callers are reminding you to vote or informing you what to expect or what to do when you encounter problems during election day. Remember, in the end, only you, the voters can choose whom you want and how you will be governed. Choose wisely, know the candidates, ( the stakes are too high in this election!

3.  Why Your Vote Matter!

Voting is not only your powerful weapon to use to decide and influence the outcome on the matters that impact your life but is also a means of gaining power. The only way to influence policy or bring about changes people want to see, people must show up and vote. Voting and democracy are crucial in a democratic government because it provides people an opportunity to voice your opinion and vote for what you believe to be right and holds the elected officials accountable for the behavior while in office, to either re-elect them or vote them out.

Moreover, voting prevents a minority from dictating the policies that do not favor the majority. With Trump administration, what we have experienced in his two years in office is a nation divided between the powerful and political class that want to consolidate power into their hands-politics of divisiveness, the growing element of racism, violence rhetoric’s on the streets and in schools, bullying is on the rise the disregard of rule of laws, the violation of human right, and yes, the lies and scare tactics; the leadership that want to empower the 1%  rich people at the expense of the remaining 99% of the people; thus, the glorification of dictatorship and the suppression of individual rights (rights of women to be heard and rights of children to be with their parents); and the list goes on, all intended to confuse, exploit people and dismantle the democratic system that holds and keep the US standing as examples for others to flow.

This current administration is a good reminder as to why your vote matter. It matters when you reject all that Trump administration has exhibited time after time by stepping forward and bring your bargaining power-the voting power' and vote out all those who are deaf to your voices and blind to your ideas and values, and bring back the democratic government that works for all people not just for the few.

Amplifying your voices collectively matters and can make a big difference. It can change the administration and its leadership when we all vote.

Remember, when we all vote we are voting for unity and opportunity. On the issues that make your life better-your voting against tax break for 1% rich that make other programs that help poor and middle-class citizen just get to the next day been underfunded and or defunded-the affordable health care, the education funds for school programs and equity in education not to buy guns for teachers; you are voting against women violence-their you want women voices to be heard when they report being sexually assaulted; you are voting against gender and racial discrimination and the inhumane treatment of immigrants and their children, you are voting to bring back the values that bind us together as people of this nation. So, when we all vote can really be a game changer!

4.  And Now, the Dos and the Don’ts of this Mid Term Elections.
The Dos:
·        Know why your vote matters in this election and cast your vote.
·        Already registered to vote and meet all the voter ID requirement-what you need to bring to vote-photo ID vs. Non-photo ID, know your polling Station, familiarize with voting procedures and rules, types of voting-early voting, in-person voting, Vote in other Language, and voters registration deadlines.
·         Check or update your Voter Registration-Check names and address-how, when, and why to avoid anything that may jeopardize you voting rights and ultimately your vote.
·         Decide whom to vote for-research you candidate to know what they stand for (their positions on the issues) so that you can evaluate good and right candidate to vote for. Who is likely to unite us, than to divide us. Who is likely to bring opportunities you can be part of it-opportunities that impact and improve your livelihood.
·         Vote against things that are not right, issues that are the reason for your struggle with housing, education, Health Care Discrimination in the workplace-equal pay and pay increase, violence against women-sexual abuse and gender bias. In doing so, you are demanding solutions; you are using your voting power to change the status quo that neither represents you not working for you-your ideas and values.

The Don’ts:
·         Don’t register to vote and not vote.
·         Don’t say you are undecided-make decision to vote.
·         Don't give any excuse-Like I am too busy; I have no time, Lines are too long, Polling Stations are too far, I don't have a proper or Qualifying ID. When you don't vote you lower or limit the chances of improving the issues that are at stake in every election, issues that affect your daily livelihood. When you don't vote, your problems remain unsolved and may get worse.
·         Don’t know the issues? Use all the means you must look up your candidates on the internet-their websites, their social medias pages-Facebook, Twitter and Instagram, ask your co-worker, your friends, your neighbor; use your Smart Phone to ask questions and find answers-ask, Siri or Alexa!
·         Don’t waste your Right nor your Vote.

In the end, on Nov. 6th, 2018 coming election, all 435 seats in the US House of Representatives and 35 of the 100 seats in the US Senate will be in contests. For the Donald J. Trump administration, this midterm election is the vote of Confidence or No-Confidence on his leadership and the direction he is taking this nation.

For you, us, we the people is how you or we want to be governed and treated. This election is upon us to weigh the pros and cons of the Donald J. Trump’s leadership and exercise our right and duty towards shaping the direction of the country.

If you feel you are not treated equal, it should remind you about-are you a slave or a citizen? It should tell you about your right to vote and be represented rightfully. Just as people from the time immemorial have rejected the government that control its people by divisiveness policies, by instilling fears on its people, and by violating the basic civil and human rights-people inspired by the ideas about the rights of man with this powerful words Thomas Jefferson wrote on the Declaration of Independence, “We hold these truths to be self-evident, that "All men are created equal” that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights…Right to Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness”.

We have, therefore, come too far to give up our Rights or to be denied our rights and who we are as Americans. As a democratic government let us all come together and vote our voices. The people collective power brings change-election gives power to the people. People have fought for the right to vote, don’t waste your right nor your vote.                                    


Sunday, June 17, 2018

Every Fall over three million students graduate high school and embark on to colleges and 
universities across the nation and some around the globe as international students to start their postsecondary education. “Obtaining higher education can be an important step towards better occupational and economic outcomes. Lower levels of educational attainment are associated with higher unemployment rates ( and lower earnings ( Although an increasing number of students have enrolled in postsecondary institutions ( over the last several decades, there are still differences in the characteristics of students who complete various levels of postsecondary education.” National Center for Education Blog (

It is well noted that America has long championed for education, but in recent decades the signs and the evidence of the decline of education rank as a nation and the educational attainment between colleges and among groups of students in America are not only noticeable but also raises significant concerns.

Looking back in history, in the 19th Century, America was a leader in requiring young people to attend primary school and later high school. The ranks of high school graduates attending college also grew steadily but slowly.

Although no other country’s universities educated even half as large as a proportion of its young people as America, only 1 in 7 young America went to college by late 1940. After World War II there was a rapid increase in college entre. The share of high school graduates entering college grew steadily from 17% in 1950 to 39% in 1980, 55% in 2000 and 68% in 2011, making America the first nation to make the transition from elite to mass and then to universal higher education. (Derek Bok, Higher Education in America, pp 81).

The author of the book, Higher Education in America also stated that, in the past 30 years, earnings premium for completing college has tremendously increased. By 2010, the average annual income for adults holding college education degree reached $54,000 compared with $32,000 for those with only a high school diploma. In 2005, 87% of America adults agree that a college education has become an important as a high school diploma used to be, while the percentage of respondents in Public Agenda Surveys who considered a college education to be “necessary for a person to be successful in today’s work world” jumped from 31% in 2000 to 55% in 2009”. Also, the share of ninth and tenth graders are expressing their interest in going to college increased to 80%.

Despite these high educational aspirations, the author also noted that college enrollment figures and graduation rates show clearly how far young people are from fulfilling their ambitions. According to the Department of Education, of every 100 students who begin ninth grade, only 75 graduated from high school, only 51 enter college, and only 29 graduates.  (Derek Bok, Higher Education in America-pp 82).

On the other hand, the Bureau of Labor and Statistics projects that more than 60% of all new jobs created by 2018 will require at least some college education. Director of Center on Education and Workforce at Georgetown University, Professor A. Carnevale even declared that America would experience a skills shortage of three million jobs by 2018 if the number of college graduates does not grow faster.

Reports of a severe shortage of highly skilled employees have continued to appear since the recession that followed the financial crisis of 2008. For example, in 2014 according to the Roundtable’s “action plan,” the Business Roundtable projected shortages of college-educated workers even higher than those anticipated by Professor Carnevale. (Derek Bok, The Struggle to Reform Our Colleges, pp.8-9).

Also, research on college completion also exposed the large and growing income and racial gaps in the rates at which students were graduating from college. Among high school graduates academically qualified for college study, far more students from high-income families completed a bachelor’s degree within eight years than did those from low-income families. This vast and growing difference was accompanied by rising income inequality, which now is a big debate in the 21st-century economy. Why a four-year college degree should take eight years is a question that the answers may amaze you! However, this is a topic of discussion by itself!

Due to this widening trend in disparities in the education system and the workforce, President Barak Obama declared to the Congress in 2009 that America must regain its historic leadership in the educational attainment of its people. So, he stated that America should increase its 40% of existing college-educated people by raising the share of 25-34-year-olds earning a “quality” college credential to 60% by 2020. This goal, however, will not be attained if the current trend that drives low graduation rate and educational attainment is not addressed seriously and contained.

So, why despite these disturbing and alarming findings the number of students graduating colleges continues to scale down? What is the problem that hinders students’ progress whether to enter college or to earn a college degree? What drives Graduation rate and Educational Attainment gap between Colleges and among groups of Students?

When carefully looked at the forces that drive graduation rate and educational achievement among colleges and groups for students three trends stand out to be the cause that stands on the way and disrupt students from achieving their educational goals and ambitions. The three educational patterns are:
            Equity in education
            Professional Development and
Use of Technology in Education.

Many authors who have written extensively about educational achievement gaps have all pointed fingers on the education system that the problem lies not with particular group of students because of their ethnicity and or socio-economic status but instead on America’s education system that among other things have failed to address the “real-root cause” of the problem which is:

Equity in Education-Every child is capable of learning and achieving success if afforded the learning environment that supports his or her needs. Many capable students from families of limited income have been sidelined by the system and left alone in despair with limited skill and experience to earn an income to support themselves and educate themselves (if at all they are lucky enough to get a stable job). What is the financial opportunity this group has that education system can offer? As it currently is, this group of students is more likely to suffer the educational attainment and graduation gap because of their socioeconomic status-and this including other factors such as ethnic origin or gender should not be an obstacle to achieving educational potential to any aspiring academic student.

Equity in education means fairness and equal treatment of “all children” regardless of their gender, socio-economic status or ethnic background for them to achieve educational potential. It also means inclusion-thus, accessibility, and accommodation of all students. That education resources be shared and distributed according to the needs of each young student. Individualize learning in the 21st century can be a game changer for our academically aspiring students for it addresses and assures their rights for education. From K-12 schools Choice Programs for all students so that to contain the risks to equity; to upper secondary education by providing options-attractive alternatives, remove red- tapes and dead ends and prevent drop-outs due to educational malpractice!

When a higher education institution forces an aspiring academic student to drop out of college instead of supporting the student in finding means to help the student to continue with the higher learning, it is not only wrong because it denies the student his/her right to education but it purely an educational malpractice in the education systems!

The crisis of college affordability must be dealt with. Not only that some students have outstanding loan debt before they even earn a degree and get a job to pay that loan, but others they do not have access to student loans at all making them earn a college degree an unachievable dream.
College affordability crisis in 2012-2013 caught president Obamas attention, and on fall of 2013 he toured the State University of New York at Buffalo and said,

“At this time when a higher education has never been more important or more expensive, too many students are facing a choice that they should never have made: Either they say no to college…or you do what it takes to go to college, but then you run the risk that you won’t be able to pay it off because you have got so much debt. Now, that is the choice we should not accept. And, by the way, that is a choice that the previous generation did not have to accept.” (Ryan Craig, College Disrupted pp 18).

In his book, College Disrupted, the author also pointed out that many American now say higher education fails to provide students with good value and 98% America adults agree with the statement that “higher education is in crisis.” I completely agree with the author too for I am living it as I write this article, and I have many unanswered questions because I could not navigate the educations systems to get straight and honest answers.

Moreover, as the author did, I am amplifying some of those questions: What is the university’s responsibility to its students after they have accepted them to join their colleges? Do the universities have the role or the education systems for that matter can force the student to drop out of college out of their will? What is the goals and objectives of education if there is any in this situation? Where is its responsibility to America and its students? Isn’t college designed to enhance a student’s future well-being and, in turn, that of society in general? How did it get corrupted to the point where higher education is the cause, rather than the solution, to so many of our collective ills?

As a matter of respect, the education systems and the higher education institutions ought to have a higher level of responsibility to their students and the families who have toiled in raising their children to the level of qualifying them entry to college, only to be failed by the systems when getting there! The systems that were supposed to be helping and serving the all equally to attain their educational endeavor.

 Some higher education institutions could care less about students’ retention and graduation rate as they care about their bottom-line, and we should all be wary about those institutions that are for profits more than ensuring that students have the resources they need and deserve to help them learn effectively.

In the end, however, the fight for college is the fight for the rights to education that the sons or a daughters of a taxpayer that they too have the right to education. The use and the distribution of the taxpayer’s money should reach and serve each child; and perhaps for those higher institutions that are producing high numbers student dropouts, its time to investigate them thoroughly and demand accurate report on what is going on. On the other hand,  incentivizing (financial premiums) the institutions that are attracting diverse and disadvantaged students and retain them for graduation.

Also, an investment in training ensures that the education system is designed to serve all students not some, a system that motivates learning not demoralize learning. An aspiring academic student should not be forced to withdraw from college because he or she could not afford or because of his or her parents’ migration status. Minorities and migrants’ students face challenges to navigate the system even when they are American Citizens the face unique difficulties, and the educations systems need to respond and react to their needs just as they do to the other groups. Cultural bias should have no place in the education system-serve all and educate all children fairly and equally, for it is their right.!

Professional Development-Not only that professional development impact learning and teaching but also it is a tool for educational achievement. Educators must embed 21st-century knowledge and skills that demands and measures success in both the students and the educator. Educators also need to stay on top of the latest technology, and the most innovative systems and strategies for learning and teaching, for even the technology itself, is driven and controlled by human minds. For example, there are signs and evidence of discrepancies in tracking students’ progress-early tracking and streaming need to be justified regarding proven benefits, thus, tracking at later stage vs. early stage to prevent inequities and improve outcome. Doing so needs professional skills and knowledgeable personnel. If educators do not have the 21st-century knowledge base and skills they need, how could they teach the 21st-century skills?

Fewer resources for educators is a recipe for failure. Critical thinking and problem solving, communication and collaboration; classroom leadership and management and interdisciplinary instructions are the knowledge and skills that every educator need to know and possess; for it will pave the way in straighten and strengthen the links between schools and families in helping the most disadvantaged parents and their children in their learning journey. Such knowledge also helps educators to respond more professionally or effectively to diversity and provide successful inclusion of migrants and minorities students in the education system.

Socio-cultural competence is a learned skill. Teaching standards and teachers quality (knowledge/skills) help students learning and produce high performance. Teaching strategies, reaching out strategy and students retentions lead to schools and students’ success. The student learns more from competent teachers. Schools should have the resources to keep great teachers on the job by providing them with the training they need and the flexibility to teach with technology, creativity, and motivation.

“Providing all children in America with the opportunity for world-class education is critical for their success, and the success of our nation and every child deserve a great teacher.” ~ (U.S. Department of Education,

Better use of Technology in Education-Technology and its innovative systems within education industry is increasingly becoming a cornerstone in addressing all kinds of students’ learning and outcomes, as it is for educators in teaching in all levels of education from elementary schools to colleges. However, technology by itself is designed and controlled by the people-human mind and therefore likely to be susceptible to some discrepancies in tracking student’s progress and addressing the needs of those students accordingly and or on a timely manner. Technology should be used to reveal many things about students’ performances: from academic records to attendance records. However, if the tracking and the data entry is incorrect, and the end-results are what determines the students’ performance status, this also may not address and or reflect the accurate records of students’ performances hence deprive the students, among other things resources for the students with the most significant needs.

We all want technology to accurately assist in identifying and setting targets for more equity so that we can track schools/colleges with low graduating rate and educational attainment to address the drop-outs before it happens. Human power (knowledgeable and skilled) and technology will eventually be the only source and force that will eliminate the continuing growth of educational achievement gaps in schools and among students’ groups. The education systems need to provide a strong education for all because the 21st-century economy demands their knowledge and skills. Moreover, through technology, schools, and teachers’ roles are shifting from owners of information to the facilitators and guides to learning and achievement.

Equity for all students is undeniably essential opportunity that all students should have access and benefit. Giving all students a chance to thrive regardless of their socio-economic status and race identity is imperative and inevitable if the mission to promote student achievement and prepare them for global competitiveness is to be achieved. As it is now, more often, minority students (Blacks and Hispanics) are the disadvantaged groups and therefore susceptible to discrimination that leads to the inability to graduate in high school and may not be ready for college or paid jobs.

Consequently, those who persisted and graduate either high school (even with high achievement score) still face obstacles and discrimination to stay in college as they are more likely to be denied student loans that will keep them in college, of which is due to inability to ensure equal access to educational equity.

It is perceived that education plays a crucial role in determining how you spend your adult life-a higher level of education means higher earnings, better health, and longer life. However, for most people, this is still a myth, not a fact until we can be fair and equal in the treatment of one another in all areas of our lives, education for all leading the way!

Therefore, to develop a healthy society, we must first build and improve the learning capacity of young children as the next generation of smart and intelligent people who are fully aware of their place in the society and the environment they live. Moreover, also, how best they can manage and govern it to create friendlier-healthier-society that celebrate their learning efforts and achievements. Empowering young children through education is a no-brainer priority, for empowering our youth through education is giving them a key to unlock many doors of opportunities. Former President of South Africa and the most influential political activist and global icon of our time, Mr. Nelson Mandela, said:

 “Education is the most powerful weapon we can use to change the world.”

 Through education, you can eliminate gender inequality, decrease poverty, and increase prosperity.  It is through providing education to all children that a child of a farmer can learn and become a doctor, a girl from the rural area can have a chance to become UN Ambassador or a CEO of a multilateral company, or a boy from a single-parent family can rise to become a president of a country.



·      Bok, Derek. Higher Education in America. Princeton University Press, New Jersey, 2013.

·       Bok, Derek. The Struggle to Reform Our College, Princeton University Press. New Jersey, 2017.

·      Craig, Ryan. College Disrupted: The Great Unbundling of Higher Education. Palgrave McMillan, United State, 2015.


·       “NCES-National Center for Education Statistics Blog.” (

·       “OECD  2008 Observer-Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development Policy Brief”.

·       “America Institutes for Research Center”- How Career and Technical Education Can Help Students Be College and Career Ready: A Primer (

Sunday, April 22, 2018

How Teaching Family Golden Rules Can Be a Game Changer!
More often, young children lack the verbal or social skills to do many things or make their wishes known. As a result, frustrations or refusal of cooperation comes and mounts quickly. And this may be vented as aggression, anger, and other forms of antisocial behaviors-withdraw, hence violence. In learning and teaching the right way to respond and react to the different situation, favorable and unfavorable both adults and children need to consider consequences. Adults leading the way, let the children know the effects of their actions in a constructive manner, calm, and strategically for a win-win-results-e.g. Alex, your room must be clean and neat before I take you to play the games with your friends. Also, let the children know in advance what might happen from their actions. In doing so can help children sort out or think a bit about the effect of their actions on others or things. Always make sure that your discipline rules are in line with your child’s age and development stage. The teaching that works at one scene may not work at another or with every child.

Real education starts from toddlerhood to adulthood. And both parents and children need the discipline to attain the desired goal.

The teaching we commonly find appealing and working-the golden family rules if you may include:
·        Always be genuine and honest with each other and with your children.
·        Have an open and real/effective communication.
·       Help one another to grow and learn-be supportive of one another.
·       Always be content and thankful for life and thrive for best.
·       Always be respectful, kind, and loving to each other-to both parents and children.
·       Help and comfort one another.
·       Always keep your promises especially with the young children for it create trustworthiness.
·        Look after each other and console one another.
·       Treat one another other like you treat yourself or friends. 
·        Forgive and forget, though hard, it’s a noble thing to do, and worth learning discipline.
·        Love one another deeply from the heart.

As you teach your children, you engage yourselves in learning about not only what works but also what doesn’t work for both of you. Your engagement and or lack of involvement in imparting knowledge to your children may have a profound influence on whether your child turns out to be a delight or a terror. The way you respond and react to the young children's behavior shapes their future actions in unimaginable ways.

Now the question becomes, how do you teach good manners or strong morals to young children who are not yet rational, matured, and whose understanding of the concept such as manners, morals, and empathy is not part of their upbringing, or not in their horizon?

Responsible and prepared parents know that early intervention is pivotal, inevitable and is the best way to start teaching young children ways to relate and interact with one another healthfully. They also know that it needs a lot of patience and practice to follow some simple rules of discipline before your tyrannical preschooler becomes a pleasant tween; and before the discipline rules become a common practice and more adaptive way of living as your child grows to an adult.

Undeniably, young children need sets of disciplinary rules throughout their life. So, teach your children in a right way and train them onto the right path, and when they are older, they will not depart from it. Remember, "Moral excellence comes as a result of habits; we become just by doing just acts, temperate by doing temperate acts, brave by doing brave acts." ~ Aristotle

Here is how to enforce the golden rules for young children to build in manners and maximize discipline:

·       Actively Reinforce Good Behavior-always accentuate the positive. Don’t run short in acknowledging and praising good behaviors even when it is expected of them. It is familiar and comfortable to see and react to our children's misbehaviors, forever intervening and correcting whenever things go wrong, than we can acknowledge the things they do right. Gentle acknowledgment of any accomplishment and reminders can minimize or stop unwanted behaviors.

·       Prevent Problems Before It Happens-creates a safe environment for your young child and is one way to prevent some unwanted behaviors; from how your home is set up, the company you keep, to the places you like to go for fun or interact with others. Avoiding situations that will cause trouble is a no-brainer: trying to please a child by giving in every time a child makes the demand is cultivating unwanted behavior which may lead to entitlement and more of undesirable behaviors such as defiance, unruly, or rebellious. Offering helpful reminders before things go high way is crucial and may prevent mistakes before they happen! For example, during meal time if you spill food, you must clean the mess; after finish eating, you must clean after the table; or after every bath, the rule is you wash the tab or make your bed soon as you wake up! These are simple things to do yet many children are leaving them to their parents do them for them! Let your child learn how to be responsible for their actions-clean after their messes and discover more ways to be helpful at home, in schools, and in the community at large.

·       Set Limits-all young children need clear, consistent limits setting to define the boundaries of acceptable and unacceptable behaviors. No matter how young the child may be placing and enforcing limits is necessary and should start from a very young year of age. If you don't like or approve your child's behavior now even if your child is two or too cute to discipline, you won't want it after a few dozen times either! They say, "Samaki mkunje angali mbichi, akishakauka hakunjiki," Swahili proverb.

Young children test our wisdom and reactions to try to figure out what he or she can get away with. It is the parent's job to tell your child what is okay and what is not okay.

The idea that your child is too young, he/she is just a kid, or he/she is incapable of understanding your teachings, is falling short in your parenting skills!  Young children, even toddlers are smart than most parents may think they are. With parents help and patience, young children can learn the difference between right and wrong and think about their actions and the consequences.

·       Be Firm-lack of firmness tend to backfire or send a message to a child that his or her demand must be accepted; "No should mean No." Your child may ask, request, nag, or whine about something, over and over! You know the "Please, Please, Please"! And you comply with your child even though you know you shouldn't. Your child will make the same demand every time and turn it around and cause a conflict between two of you because you give in once or all the times. The child will demand why not now?

·       Certainly, leniency has its place in parenting, but over time a lack of firmness/toughness tends to be unproductive. If you fail to be firm and enforce stability and limit, you deprive your child the ability to learn and the understanding of how you expect your child to behave. Often when you are too lenient, your child will also tend to take advantage of you!  Over time, as your child test your limit, soon will discover which button to push to get the response that he or she desires instead of vice versa, and you can be sure that your child will push the button again and again.

Always make it clear that you are in charge, and not your child. You can be as friendly with your child as it can be but remember you are a parent first.

·       Be Clear, and Realistic-always keep your expectations about your child’s behavior clear and realistic. Otherwise, you set yourself up for the unfavorable outcome. The younger your child, the less patience and short spam of concentration or keep steady and follow through. Teach and discipline according to the level of your child’s age and developmental stage. Don’t get deterred that it is not working. Try all the tricks you know about including professional help! Some children may need extra help than you can offer them, it’s okay to seek that help.

·       Be Consistency-Once you make the rules enforce them. Inconsistency confuses a learning child.  Don’t say “yes” today to play in the rain and say “no” tomorrow when your child wants to play in the rain! If you give a signal that we will be leaving the playground after two more rounds of slides or swings, you must do so. Don’t wait for them to make three, four or more rounds; the next time you are ready to leave after “two more rounds” you may not be taken seriously.

You may not be 100% consistent in all things and all the time, but whenever there are variations in decisions offer clear explanations why you allow things done differently than usually done. Any changes and adjustment you made that is out of the norm or not the way your children used to, you owe them an explanation to avoid misunderstanding, confusion, or mixed message.

·       Be Brief- often, most young children benefit most from short, precise, to-the-point messages. The younger your child, the better it is to use few words as possible-"we don't do that, "teasing hurts" "lying is wrong."  Also, it may be the best way to get your message across to a young child using “I-Messages."! "I don't like it if I have to clean after your mess! I want you to collect your clothes, books off the floor and put them where they belong", " I see that you have not made your bed since yesterday.”

·       Be Role Model- set a good example. Children are our carbon copy – they copy what adult say and do! If you say one thing and do the opposite, you are not setting a good example. If you teach young children hitting is terrible, you should not be the one to use spanking as a discipline measure.

·       Divert and Distract-monitor moods and remember every child is a different-unique individual, and one size fits all does not apply to young children. There are so many ways to teach discipline and to react to young children behavior problems.  These ways are implemented according to each child's age, developmental level, and relationships, they have forged with their parents or guardians.

Some young children respond well to signals, warnings, and reminders, yet others may need more restrain limits-if you give in once, they will take advantage of it later. Avoid power struggle when divert, distract or stopping unwanted behavior. As you discipline your young children, remember that you are not just helping them learn how to behave; you also teaching them what to expect from their world, and what it expects from them in return.

·       Stay Calm-being extra patience in today’s fast-paced world may seem impossible or underestimating the reality, however with young children its must. Though easy to say than to do, when discipline your children, if you deliver and maintain the discipline message in calm, and rational manner chances, are you will earn your child’s cooperation. Control your temper and anger it’s all about being staying calm and being extra patience because if not it may send a negative response or impact on your child's learning and growth. It can be challenging but raising your voice firm is a natural reaction but yelling, screaming, shouting degrades a child may make you a poor role model.

Like adults, young children like to be respected and treated with dignity. On the other hand, sounding too mild or uncertain may dilute your message.  To avoid sending a weak signal, for example, "Do you want to go to sleep now? Instead of, "It's time to go to bed now"! Or, "Do you want to brush your teeth now? Instead of " it's time to brush teeth now"!

The study shows that the more parents or adults of young children encourage and enforce appropriate behaviors through positive discipline and child guidance strategies, the less time and effort parents and or adults will spend correcting your children's unwanted behavior. In fact, it reduces the undesirable reactions, and the children are proven to be having more self-control, self-discipline, and self-reliance (independent) as they learn problem-solving and refrain from getting into trouble. They tend to follow the rules and directions better.

Contrary to this, if parents or adults of young children use physical force, punishments, threats, and or verbal abuse-repeatedly put-down your children each time he/she does something unpleasing to you or misbehaves, this can interfere with the child's healthy development and learning. For example, physical abuse of any sort, spanking, or corporal punishment, can have some adverse effects on children. Actions that insult or belittle children are not only harmful to children because it can inhibit learning and can teach them to be unkind and aggressive towards others; but also, are likely to cause children to view their parents or adults in their lives negatively, and hinder building a good relationship with their parents.

 It is also true with the parents who withdraw from parenting their children either by carelessness and selfishness characteristics, intentionally cut-off communication and unwillingness to bond with your children. These can have a lasting adverse effect on your upbringing and relationships building because they may view you as uncaring parents and prevent having a good relationship with one another. Parent(s) who distance themselves from building a desirable relationship with their children are dodging their parental responsibility. By either distancing from communicating or from wanting to know their children where about. Such selfishness acts towards children will make them believe that such parent(s) doesn't care about them and they too have little or no feelings about these parent(s) because they hardly have a positive experience to say about them.

Nevertheless, there is no one perfect set of rules, formulas, or strategies that answer all questions about discipline or work all the times fruitfully. Just as it is true that all children are unique, and so as the families in which they come from. Thus, each child and family may respond differently towards any disciplinary strategies. One discipline strategy that might work with one child may not work with another even within the same family; still, disciplining ourselves is an endless process.

Moreover, to discipline young children is an inevitable process-it’s part of parenting your child in a right direction.  Parents' who are vigilant in acknowledging their children's efforts and progress, no matter how slow or small, when following the rules and or exhibiting self-disciplines are likely to encourage discipline as a learning and healthy development process. And whether you are a mother or a father rules setting for guidance and disciplining your children is your moral and ethical responsibility.